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A ’Voice’ cries out for U.S. backing

Reno Conservative Examiner, June 26,
Daniela Paniagua

“Thugs” of the Mujahedeen-e Kalq aka the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran (Mek /PMOI/ MKO) were recently blamed by Iranian deputy chief of police Ahmad Reza Radan for the Iranian “government’s” violence against the passive masses who have made their dissatisfaction with the quasi-theocracy of Iran well-known over the past week.

While it’s to be expected that an oppressive regime would verbally attack anyone who opposes them (hmmm this sounds familiar, come to think of it…), the insinuations were utterly destroyed by a display of true unity as many expatriates of Iran listened intently to a 4,000 word speech given by the leader of Mek, Mayram Rajavi, in Paris.

In her speech she was adamant that the U.S. leadership take a more pro-active stance on the election fraud & stand behind the protestors of Iran, reminding the audience that former President George W. Bush “negotiated” with Iran 28 times throughout his administration to no avail. She also spoke of the U.S. leadership’s seeming lack of interest in the protestor’s corpses who were wrapped in American flags before being kicked & trampled upon in the cemeteries-regarded as Western spies by the velayat-e faqih.

Mek is a multi-tiered organization known by many names & was placed on the “foreign terrorist groups” list in 1997 by the US State Department in a blatant attempt to appease the Supreme Leader & his fellow clerics & lessen tension between our two countries.

It really seems like it’s been an effective strategy, doesn’t it?

Ask the new “Face of the People of Iran,” the woman whose sacrifice has cast her immortal in the eyes of the people she stood watching & in the eyes of the world. Ask Neda.

After nearly 30 years of the world tolerating & even appeasing this quasi-theocratic brutal regime as it took civilians hostage, paid off terrorist factions to do it’s dirty work, & advanced it’s nuclear arsenal for “peaceful” purposes-Iranian people are finally speaking out.

The Guardian Council has acknowledged fraud took place since votes cast in multiple cities exceeded the number of eligible voters, but all the while tried to side-step the real problem of the initial manipulation of candidates through their hand-selection. Iran’s velayat-e faqih has had unmatched authority to manipulate the people into believing the election process allows their votes to be heard & doesn’t focus on the Council’s agenda.

As soon as Allah was brought into the equation through Khameine’i’s “divine assessment” remarks, there existed no recourse.

The people are no longer buying what’s being sold. They’ve made it abundantly clear to not only their nation, but also to others around the world, that they don’t want a simple recount-they wish to overthrow the current regime, to start anew: “death to the dictator.”
Germany, who has long been one of Iran’s “closest” diplomatic allies, has rejected the regime’s gross violations of human rights, as have many other countries. America has done no more than speak to the abhorrent conditions in Iran-a nation whose leaders in the past stood steadfastly for freedom at every turn doing anything & everything necessary to come to the aid of an oppressed people, but now…what’s been the Obama administration’s first solid move?

Secretary of State Clinton’s rescindment of the “Hot Dog extravaganza” invitations that were extended to the Iranian diplomats for July 4th celebrations at US embassies in multiple countries…

Go, Hillary! “That’ll learn ya, Iran!”

So, what is necessary? What’s the “right” move? …The correct strategy?

What is needed is for the U.S. to take the position that we’ve been known for historically-support the people!

Also, it may be high time to remove the Mek from the terrorist watch list in light of their strong opposition to the genocidal “death cult” more commonly known as the Islamic Republic of Iran, whose actions speak volumes as to their intentions of destroying the Satan-duo (as referenced in this article & more recently addressed in this one).

Mek has instilled a deep fear in the oppressive Iranian regime & perhaps it’s time for the United States to use that fear to our advantage-but most importantly, to the advantage of Neda & all those like her.

She is a woman that unbeknownst to her, wields power & influence that has ballooned far above the threadbare claims of the Obama administration’s “commitment” to human rights; her story brought to the national scene a depiction of the events in Iran & helped to clearly highlight the current administration’s cowardice. One whose focus on closing supposed “torture” prisons has apparently prevented them from mustering up the nerve to take a pro-active stance against a cruel massacre of innocence that has gone far beyond reprehensible.

A squashing of unalienable rights has taken place & America’s leaders have opted to save-face.

While I could potentially see the argument for blaming the US if we were to “meddle” in the current Iranian affairs-why would the Iranian people be protesting with signage & Twitters in English if they were only looking for help from the Muslim world?

Could that be something for America’s leaders to contemplate?

Perhaps instituting the Sherman-Kirk Amendment (or some other similar sort of economic sanctions), a bi-partisan effort that essentially cuts funding (Export-Import bank financing) to any corporations that export gasoline to Iran, could be a strong enough message to the regime without the use of military pressure. The Sherman-Kirk Amendment also prevents funding corporations who would provide aid to Iran in advancing their refining capabilities.

It would give Obama the opportunity for decisive action as opposed to feel-good rhetoric-it demonstrates that America is still the leader in human rights advocacy. It demonstrates that we’re not all talk, as we are currently portrayed overseas.

It also & maybe most importantly, demonstrates that rogue regimes like Iran & North Korea cannot afford to sequester themselves from the rest of the world without seriously destabilizing their own economies. Whether or not they would like to admit it, they are still reliant on other countries for the success of their own.

The Iranian regime’s validity is now seriously in question & as that realization hits them they will grow increasingly reckless. In an attempt to remedy the loss-of-face they’ve since endured, America & the rest of the world can expect to see Iran surge full-steam ahead with its nuclear program.

With that surge in nuclear capabilities & the probable foiling of the regime’s authority in general, disappear any unrealistic hopes the Obama administration previously had of US-Iranian engagement.

The time is now to support the people-to truly advocate for human rights without regard to race, gender, or religion; to unite-If Obama takes advantage of this opportunity that has presented itself, maybe, just maybe Neda & the other protestors will not have lost their lives in vain.

We can only hope.



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