Tuesday, May 14, 2024
HomeNEWSWORLD NEWSSyrian army officer under torture for refusing to attack his people

Syrian army officer under torture for refusing to attack his people

A Bashar Assad army officer that wasn’t willing to continue crimes against his people was placed under vicious torture to the brink of going crazy, Orient TV.
Adnan, the former Assad army officer, had spent 2 ½ years under the most vicious tortures because he wasn’t willing to attack his own people.
His ‘crime’ was just the fact that after witnessing Assad’s crimes he asked to leave Assad’s repressive machine.
His full name is Adnan Mohamed Jedwa from battalion 107 and was arrested in Latakia by Assad’s security forces. After his release he returned to the city of Kafarzita where he saw his hometown was left in rubbles after Assad’s attacks.
Adnan had also realized many of his friends were killed and one of the only people left in the city was his mother.



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