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HomeNEWSWORLD NEWSThousands demonstrated in Yemen against a coup by Houthi militants

Thousands demonstrated in Yemen against a coup by Houthi militants

Thousands of Yemeni people rallied on Friday in Taizz to condemn Houthi brutalities in Sanaa and other Yemeni cities. The protesters were carrying placards calling Houthi militants as coup elements. Demonstrators called on the politicians not to engage in dialogue with the militants.
The people chanted any political solution and dialogue would give the Houthis political legitimation.
The demonstration was after the Iranian regime backed and financed Houthis issued a statement from the Presidential Palace legitimizing their coup d’etat government and announcing a new constitution.
All Yemeni political and social forces have condemned and boycotted this announcement.
UN representative in Yemen has also gone to the Saudi Arabia to discuss the situation with the Secretary General Ban Ki moon who is visiting Saudi.




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