Sunday, May 19, 2024
HomeNEWSWORLD NEWSGame Over Maliki

Game Over Maliki

CNN cited the Iraqi state TV saying Nouri Maliki has stepped down.
Al Arabiya TV reported the United Nations welcomed Maliki’s stepping aside.
Reuters reported on Thursday Maliki finally bowed to existing pressures and by stepping aside paved the path for a new coalition. Maliki brought an end to his 8 year devastating rule, which was mostly accompanied with sowing discord and sectarianism, and supported Heidar al-Ebadi. For months Maliki had resisted pressures from the Sunnis, Kurds, some of Shiite friends and the US calling on him to step aside, Reuters added.
Washington also welcomed Maliki stepping aside, describing this measure as a step forward.
US Secretary of State John Kerry said Maliki stepping aside readies the path for a peaceful power transition in Iraq
US National Security Advisor Susan Rice issued a statement describing this as a major step for unity in Iraq.



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