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HomeMassoud RajaviMessage of MASSOUD RAJAVI The Leader of Iranian ResistanceTO THE SOLIDARITY CONGRESS...

Message of MASSOUD RAJAVI The Leader of Iranian Resistance

Saturday, 16 June 2007, the joint committee of political parties and tribal
leaders of Diyala province in Iraq held its great gathering to declare the
solidarity of its people with the PMOI.
In this
great gathering, attended by more than 10,000 people from all Iraq’s provinces,
a declaration condemning the interventions and the organized crimes of the
Iranian regime and its agents in the province and strongly supporting the
peaceful presence of the PMOI in Diyala was read to the audience. This
declaration was signed by the Diyala Salvation Front and the Council of Sheikhs
of Diyala together with 450,000 people of Diyala
Massoud Rajavi, the leader of Iranian Resistance sent a message to the participants
of the congress which was read for them in the gathering.
In the Name of God, the
Compassionate, the Merciful
be to you, for that you were patient.’ Best is the Ultimate Abode. As for those
who break the covenant of Allah after accepting it, who part what He has
commanded to be united and worked corruption in the land, a curse shall be laid
on them, and they shall have an evil abode."(Holy Koran)
to you the participants of the great Solidarity Congress for peace and freedom
to the people of Diyala, who by hundreds of thousands of new signatures and
testimonies in the most crucial and critical conditions, raised the historic
declaration of 5.2 million people of Iraq about Iranian regime’s threats and
recognition of the PMOI’s status in its first anniversary to the apex of our
nations’ history.
to you who have gathered in the city of Ashraf on the occasion of Iranian
Resistance’s Day for Martyrs and Political Prisoners.
to the nationalist leaders, patriotic personalities, democratic forces and
parties, and all honest, suffering and patient Iraqi men and women whose
national unity and land unity, as well as their religion, clan and believes,
their children, family and tribes have been exposed to aggression by the
fascists regime of Velayat-e-Faqih. "And he is most stubborn in
No sooner does he leave than he
hastens about the earth to corrupt there and destroy crops and
against the agleam minarets of Samarrah shrines by the mercenaries of darkness
is in fact an aggression against the sublime pillars of unity and integrity of
wounded and bloodied Iraq. "They desire to extinguish the Light of
Allah …."
Dear sisters and
fascist regime of velayat-e-faqih has set occupation of Iraq by the slogan
"Occupation of Jerusalem through Karbala" at the core of its policies
since three decades ago. Occupation of Jerusalem was the on-credit part of the
slogan, but occupation of Karbala was the cash part of it. The outcome of
occupation and export of fundamentalism policy for the Iranian people was the
eight year war which left 1 million casualties, 2 million handicapped and
injured, and over a thousand billion dollars of loss, only on Iran’s side.
2003, the velayat-e-faqih regime carried out the project of gradual occupation
of Iraq and, as the most prominent Iraqi and Arab politicians, analysts and
authors have testified, it has turned into the main occupier today.
years ago for the first time, Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian
resistance for the period of transferring sovereignty to the people of Iran,
warned against the threat of occupation of Iraq by the Iranian regime and
described it a hundred times more dangerous than its nuclear threat for the
people of Iran, Iraq and the region and for the international community.
Today, everybody witness this danger in Iraq’s streets and the people of Iraq
feel it at their homes with all their bodies…. "But woe to those
whose hearts are hardened."
years ago, the message of National Council of Resistance of Iran to the Iraqi
people and the democratic and patriotic forces of Iraq from all religions,
creeds, and ethnic branches based on 50 years of experience of the Iranian
nation, and particularly in light of the experience of the past 27 years of
confronting the religious dictatorship, was as follows:
Our advice is that you participate
fully in political process, national reconciliation and the elections.
With all the pain and suffering and
daily bloodshed in Iraq, your country has had enough of extremism of different
forms. The solution is a democratic, nationalist, independent, and moderate
government that would be capable of securing the political unity and territorial
integrity of Iraq through ongoing contact and dialogue with all those groups
that are willing to respect the rules of democracy, and of terminating the
The immediate threat to Iraq’s
integrity and freedom, and the main obstacle to full sovereignty and the quick
withdrawal of the Multi-national Force, is what millions of Iraqis described as
“the secret war and undeclared occupation”.
Security, peace, and stability are
realized through the restoration and guaranteed safeguard of the rights and
dignity of all Iraqis, especially the freedom-loving women of Iraq, and with
political, religious and ethnic pluralism.
The supreme religious Iraqi leaders,
the historical seminary of Najaf, and freedom-loving scholars and clergymen
have not accepted religious dictatorship in the guise of velayat-e faqih. They
are mindful of the bitter experience of the Iranian people in the past quarter
problem and the solutions
today the problem at issue and the question in the current circumstances in
Iraq is that who does not allow this country to reach security, peace and
stability? Where does the main hindrance and obstacle rest? And what is the
solution for that?
The Iranian regime summarizes the
question and the whole problem at issue in the U.S. forces, and finds the
solution in the unconditioned and immediate withdrawal of U.S. At the same
time, this regime seeks expulsion of its main opposition, the PMOI, from Iraq.
The goal of the Iranian
regime is clear: handing Iraq over to the velayat-e-faqih fascism in a silver
This is something that
neither any patriotic and democratic force, nor any anti-fascist and
anti-dictatorship current or element in Iran and Iraq can accept; particularly
when velayat-e-faqih is armed with nuclear weapon and is showing teeth and
claws from Diyala to Gaza, from Beirut and Sana’a to Basra, Baghdad and Kabul.
Therefore, all those who find the solution in the quick withdrawal of U.S.
forces in this specific situation, end up surrendering Iraq to the
velayat-e-faqih fascism anyway.
There are others who find the
problem in the civil war or sectarian strife and this way relieve themselves
from finding a specific answer and solution. In this regard, the U.S.
Secretary of State told Wall Street Journal: "when people say civil war it
drives me a little bit crazy because, you know, it’s not like Iraqi Shia and
Sunnis are running down the streets killing each other because they’re Sunnis
and Shias. These are organized gangs and death squads…."
It is not hidden to
anybody that the Iranian regime is behind the death squads. Although they try
to depict the explosion of holy shrines and mosques, and the killing of mosques
Imams, and the chain murders and tortures carried out by the agents of Qods
Force and intelligence ministry of the regime, as sectarian or religious issues
There are also others who mainly pin
the blame on currents and groups or gangs who are taking advantage of the
special situation in Iraq. They have mistaken the cause for the effect and by
simplifying the problem, involve themselves in a futile wandering, and do not
show any feasible solution.
is actually the main problem?
problem at issue is the confrontation and struggle between two major
alternatives in Iraq, especially in the current situation: the alternative of
the mullahs ruling Iran versus the Iraqi alternative; that is the alternative
of the fascist regime of velayat-e-faqih with its networks, mercenaries and
backers versus Iraqi democratic and anti-fascist alternative together with all
democratic and patriotic currents, groups, parties and personalities , and
their allies in Arabic and international arena.
as the historic declaration of the Iraqi people states:
"The Iranian regime
prevents the establishment of security, stability and democracy in Iraq and
poses an immediate threat to our country’s integrity and liberty. It is the
main obstacle to our independence and quick departure of the Multi-National
of this, the main political lineup in Iraq is between democratic forces (with a
variety of tendencies and thoughts) versus the currents that are affiliated
with the Iranian regime. This situation is the consequence of specific
geopolitics of these two countries that has made the demarcations and relations
with the religious dictatorship in Iran as the main criteria and the red line
for the lineup of political forces in Iraq. Democracy in Iraq and Democracy in
Iran, in this geopolitical situation and in this historic juncture, are
correlated and guarantee each other.
the access of the velayat-e-faqih regime to the nuclear weapon creates a much
more dangerous threat against the people of Iran and Iraq.
representative of vali-e faqih in the Supreme Security Council of the mullahs’
regime said:
"In the nuclear
matter the important thing in general is that we should use all our
instruments. We should well understand what the U.S. is following as a strategy
and prevent happening what they want. We have to use our several power zones.
One is the Shiite civilization zone, another one is the Islamic civilization
zone and the other is the Iranian civilization, each of which has components
that could be helpful. Iraq is part of the Shiite and Islamic civilization.
Regarding the nuclear issue the Americans make obstacles on Iran’s path in the
IAEA and keep us in dispute with the IAEA. Whereas we must make the Americans
understand that other issues exist too such as the Iraq issue which we are its
players. The Europeans’ and the U.S. strategy is that Iran should not have
nuclear energy…
We shouldn’t confront
the negotiation in principle which is their tactic, but we have to be careful
in the negotiations not to let their strategy be substantiated. Dialogue is
some sort of tactic; we must negotiate, but we should know what the negotiation
is for. They exert pressure on you to bury yourself alive with your hands.
Should we yield to it, that would be like committing suicide in fear of
death." (Dec. 6, 2004)
the people of Iraq in their historic declaration mentioned: "Iran’s rulers
have turned Iraq into a hunting ground and the frontline of their war with the
International Community in a bid to curb the waves of the original battle
between democracy and dictatorship in this country before they reach
only solution
should the fundamentalist religious dictatorship in Iran be dealt with?
two options are put forward in answer to this question; one is compromise,
intercourse and appeasement for a gradual change or a change in behavior and
subjugation of this regime, and the other is the regime change through military
force. But, the feasible and genuine solution is neither appeasement and
intercourse, nor military invasion.
is a third option which has been emphasized on in the historical declaration of
the people of Iraq:
"As Mrs. Maryam
Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, has
announced the Iranian problem cannot be solved by appeasement or military
invasion but by giving support to the Iranian people’s Resistance movement.
" However, in Iraq: "The solution and the only encouraging prospect
for neutralizing these threats pass through eviction of the Iranian regime from
Iraq and recognition of the status of the PMOI which is the counterbalance to
the Iranian regime’s interventions. Similarly, their disarmament upset the
strategic balance in this sensitive region of the world in favor of the Iranian
negotiation and intercourse with the velayat-e-faqih regime is futile?
reason is that democracy is the only solution vis-à-vis fascism, dictatorship
and extremism. Negotiation and intercourse with this regime are only stalling
and giving time to it. Three decades of experience with this regime has proven
that policies called as "constructive dialogue" or "critical
dialogue" have been only to the benefit of this regime and has provided it
opportunity to get closer to nuclear bomb and to increase the range of its
missiles up to Europe. Internally, it has given chance to the most ferocious
factions of the regime to get the upper hand and get more militarized, such
that today the IRGC have gained most of power levers.
is the genuine solution before the religious fascism under the name of Islam?
genuine solution before fundamentalism, dictatorship and fascism under the name
of Islam is surely the tolerant and democratic Islam. Therefore, the PMOI is
the ideological and political anti-thesis, and the most effective social weight
before the rule of velayat-e-faqih, and at the same time the first target of
widespread misinformation campaign by this regime.
Iraqi people are witnessing that the Iranian regime considers the PMOI such a
strong obstacle for its meddling in Iraq that, contrary to all international
conventions and laws, it cannot tolerate even their restricted and besieged
presence in a desert of Iraq. This is the monster’s incurable vulnerability and
an indication of democratic change in Iran by the Iranian people and
Final Choice
the options are not limited to war on one side, and compromise and surrender to
the mullahs on the other side; there is another choice too. 15 years ago, in
June, 1992, the majority of U.S. Congress emphasized on another choice and
solution. Also afterwards, the majority of Congress stressed on this same
choice together with their colleagues in the European parliaments 4 more times.
"The spread of
fundamentalism in the Islamic world is an official policy of this religious
dictatorship ruling Iran, intended to realize its dreams of expansionism.
Iran’s rulers’ openly declared inspirations for the republics of the former
Soviet Union, their export of fundamentalism to Algeria, Sudan, Tunisia, Egypt,
Jordan, and Turkey, and their campaign to acquire nuclear weapons have set off
alarm bells. This situation requires an active approach to the ominous
phenomenon of fundamentalism which will prevent the Iranian regime from taking
advantage of the religious sentiments of the people of the region.
Therefore, the time has
come for the free world to form a common front against fundamentalism with
those fighting for peace and democracy against the Iranian regime. In
announcing a specific program and determining responsible policies vis-à-vis
recent international developments, the National Council of Resistance of Iran….
has demonstrated that it is determined and able to contribute to peace and
stability in the sensitive region.
Reports from impartial
sources confirm that the NCR, backed by its military wing, the National
Liberation Army of Iran, backed by the populace, and in step with strikes and
demonstrations over the past few months within Iran, is capable of establishing
freedom and democracy in Iran. Experience has shown that this resistance’s
profound popular and religious roots within Iran’s people are the best
impediment to the Iranian regime’s abuse of popular religious sentiments.
Hence, this resistance is a solution to the phenomenon of fanatic fundamentalism.
We are convinced that
support for the National Council of Resistance will contribute to the
achievement of peace and stability for all the countries of the region."
in later years, the terrorist designation of the PMOI, bombing, disarming and
blocking the largest Iranian opposition force in Iraqi soil unsettled the
strategic balance with the Iranian regime in this part of the world and freed
the hands of the velayat-e-faqih regime in suppression inside Iran and in
export of fundamentalism and terrorism to abroad.
we yet again recommend the third option to the international community, the
U.S. and the Europe. This solution is not only our desire and our nation’s, but
also the urgent need of theirs and their nation’s, because it suggests peace,
security, democracy and human rights as well as stability, productivity and
friendship and a non-nuclear Iran, cooperation and economic development in this
part of the world, and respects the international laws and conventions.
demonizing and misinformation campaign
keeping this same option unseen and to blockade it, the religious fascism has
launched an amazing demonizing and misinformation campaign against the main
Iranian opposition force; ironically this is done by a regime which is the
supporter and central banker of terrorism in today’s world, and has so far been
condemned by the U.N. General Assembly and Human Rights Commission for 53 times
for severe violence of human rights and execution of 120 thousand of Iranian
people’s offspring; a regime that has no limits in demagogism, deception and
years ago, international press revealed that the intelligence system of this
same regime, through its Iraqi agents, deceived the world regarding weapons of
mass destruction in Iraq that instigated the war in Iraq by a surge of "
wrong intelligence " in "one of the biggest espionage operations in
the contemporary history", as mentioned by the former U.S. military
intelligence manager in the Middle East. (Sunday Times, Newsweek, Los Angeles
Times, May 2004)
the Iranian resistance revealed, in summer 2002, the clandestine nuclear
installations of this regime in Natanz and Arak, and warned that the regime’s
claim that Iraq’s WMDs were hidden in the PMOI’s camps in Iraq was only a lie
to divert the attentions from its own secret activities. Even before this, the
vali-e-faqih of the regime had attributed to the PMOI, the explosion in the
Imam Reza’s shrine and killing and mutilation of Christian priests by the
mullahs’ intelligence system.
lies, as Goebbels’ method, is a known fascist method which is disguised as
religion in the mullahs’ regime and has evolved to continuous demonizing and
preemptive garbling in order to shed the light on the opposite side and
continue its own job in the dark angle, and tag any movement of the opponent as
"conspiracy "!
month many Iraqi nationalist and patriotic forces and parties, especially Diyala
Salvation Front and noble Iraqi tribes and sheikhs reiterated this same point:
Iraqi National Dialogue Front warned:
"In a condition
that the Diyala province’s people are giving tens of victims daily due to the
terrorist actions of the dispatched mercenaries from Iran, and in the condition
that the Iranian regime imports terrorist teams and vehicles containing
weapons and explosives through Mandali and Baladrouz border to Iraq to kill the
innocent Diyala people, and while it is a long time that the Iranian regime’s
link to terrorist bands of this province has been revealed, as usual, the
Iranian regime accuses its opposition to divert attentions from these
links," and "it is surprising that just at a time that the
international community has asked the Iraqi government to prosecute and arrest
the spies and the commanders of terrorist Qods Force, there are people who
commit such conspiracies and allegations (against the PMOI) to show their
loyalty to the wicked regime of the mullahs, (whereas) today you can’t find any
noble and patriotic Iraqi individual who does not know that whatever terrorism
and insecurity that exists in Iraq has a mere source, cause and commander
which is the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran and its unleashed meddling in all
Iraqi internal affairs through its elements and associated parties who have
infiltrated in all Iraqi military, security and disciplinary organs as well as
the parliament and the government. They are stooges of this regime for pursuing
conspiracies in Iraq to impose even more limitations on the PMOI."
Conference of Ahal al-Iraq in its press declaration stated that:
"Every day in
every corner of bloodied Iraq, hundreds of women, men, young and old are being
slain by the bombs sent from Iran. And in the condition that the people of
Diyala are giving dozens of victims every day because of terrorist actions of
dispatched mercenaries from Iran, and while it is a long time that relations
between the Iranian regime and terrorist gangs have been revealed, some state officials
have surprisingly attributed accusations to the PMOI as if they have been
involved in terrorist operations in Diyala…"
Islamic Party-Diyala branch in its statement openly announced:
"Instead of
defending the great people of Iraq and asking Iran to stop supporting the death
squads and the militias, the spokesman for the government has taken another way
to defend the mullahs’ regime and to make allegations against the PMOI to
satisfy his masters in the mullahs’ regime and to turn into the spokesman of
the Iranian regime instead of Iraqi government."
National Organization for Human Rights also warned that:
"It had monitored
a continuous chain of allegations and dissemination of baseless accusations
claiming that Iranian refugees in city of Ashraf- Diyala, affiliated with the
PMOI opposition organization, have had role and participation in ongoing
terrorist activities in Diyala.
almost nobody could be found in Diyala and all over Iraq who does not know that
the ongoing unrest and terrorism in this part of Iraq has been created only and
only by the associates of the Iranian regime who have aggressed the rights of
the people of this province in various ways by dispatching groups of militias.
and military organizations and commanders in Diyala know clearly and have
declared that it is the weapons and ammunition consignments sent by Iran that
have filled this province with bloodshed.
baseless allegations are at a time that since four years ago we have
continuously expressed our concerns with regard to the limitations and
violation of basic rights of the PMOI residing in the city of Ashraf and have
repeatedly asked the Iraqi officials and international assemblies the
vindication of their least humanitarian rights…
those who are deprived of the least communication and transportation facilities
and the right to exit from their bases and are constantly under terrorist
threats, instead of being supported by the governmental and legal organs, are
subject to unfair accusations by government officials who seem to be bound to
the Iranian government’s interests and needs more than anything else."
should be done?
first reality is the substantial weakness and the very friable situation of a
regime that has no capacity for negotiation, deal, change of behavior and
retreat from its known positions. It is a regime that pretends to be powerful
and is claiming domination over the Middle East and the Islamic world, is in
fact living its phase of dissolution and downfall. It has imposed itself to the
history for nearly three decades and it now finds itself engulfed with no
chance of survival if it is not to acquire nuclear weapons and devour Iraq.
That is why it will not relinquish nuclear bomb and Iraq, and takes the heavy
and deadly toll from the people of Iraq and Iran everyday. Causing dispute and
instigating religious strife are the known methods of this regime. Last year,
Time magazine cited many Iraqi leaders that explosion of Samarrah shrine had
been carried out in cooperation with Iran’s intelligence service.
wish negotiations and deals with this regime could bear fruit; but giving up
export of fundamentalism and terrorism and giving up nuclear bomb would
directly lead to abatement of suppression and to the breakage of repression
talisman and swarming of the people to the streets that would make the regime
collapse. But, the velayat-e-faqih fascism is not willing to, as it has said,
commit suicide in fear of death.
is why the people of Iraq in their historic declaration have presented the
eviction of this regime and recognition of the PMOI status as the
counterweight, which of course necessitates the unity and unification of
democratic and nationalist and antifascist forces. Solidarity Congress of Iraqi
People and Salvation Front for Diyala are extremely valuable examples and
endeavors in this path." Say: ’I give you only one admonition, that
you stand before Allah either two by two, or one by one"
tidings to the people of Iran and the people of Iraq that fascism under the
name of religion which is the cause of misery in these specific circumstances
will not last long and is running hurriedly toward its ineluctable
appointed time is the morning. Is it not that the morning is near
?’ "
and the Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be upon you.
Massoud Rajavi

June 2007


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