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HomeHISTORICAL EVENTSExecution of Monireh Rajavi, symbol of massacred political prisoners in 1988-1989

Execution of Monireh Rajavi, symbol of massacred political prisoners in 1988-1989

On March 27, 1989, Mrs. Monireh Rajavi, the sister of Mr. Massoud Rajavi, leader of Iranian Resistance, was executed by Iran’s brutal regime in prison.
In a flagrant vengeance, Khomeini executed Monireh merely on the charge of being the sister of Massoud Rajavi.
By Monireh Rejavi’s execution and thereafter the PMOI’s revelations, the world found out part of the Khomeini’s genocide in 1988 by massacring political prisoners.
Monireh Rajavi who was 38 at the time of execution was mother of two small children. When his brother Massoud Rajavi was in SAVAK prisons during shah’s time, she, alongside with her older brother Kazem Rajavi, undertook an extensive effort for salvation of his life that led to commutation of his execution sentence to life imprisonment.
In fall 1981 the clerical regime arrested all members of Massoud Rajavi’s family forcing Monireh to live in hideout. She was arrested in summer 1982 along with her husband and two children and spent close to seven years under brutal physical and psychological tortures but never surrendered.



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