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UN report on increasing inequality amongst men & women in Iran under Rouhani tenure

The United Nations Humanitarian Development Group issued a report saying amongst 152 countries in the world Iran under the mullahs is ranked 109th on inequality between men and women. Based on this report, Iran was ranked 107th last year.
Of course, anyone who has the least knowledge of the situation of women in Iran realizes that such gross inequality in Iran between men and women is not strange at all. However, focusing on other details of this report we come up with significant and shocking aspects in this regard.
First of all, segregation and inequality against women in Iran during the past year, meaning under Rouhani’s tenure, has intensified and the status of women in Iran has dropped two rankings in comparison to other countries across the globe from 107th to the 109th. As far as Iranian women are concerned, this too is not unexpected in offices, schools, universities or on the streets, where they face various issues on a daily basis. However, the truth must be placed before Western governments and policies that are clinging to this deceitful mullah and his smiles and election promises, all to justify their appeasement policies. We have not forgotten that Rouhani in his election rally speech, and even after being elected as president, boasted about women and equal women’s rights!
The second issue raised in this report is the status of women employment in Iran. The women’s share of employment and the workforce in Iran is only 16.4%, meaning unemployment amongst women is 83.6%, and if this is compared to the education status of Iranian women and girls, also mentioned in this report, one can clearly see the cruelty imposed on Iranian women. According to this report 62.2% of Iranian women have intermediate and higher education. This number amongst men is 67.6%, meaning while the education status differential amongst men and women in Iran is only 5.4%, inequality in employment is over 53%, considering the fact that only 16.4% of the women and 73.1% of the men are employed.
This amount of inequality, segregation and cruelty against Iranian women is not in line with the Iranian society’s growth. We only need to remind ourselves of the number of girls attending college in Iran are more than boys, and according to some statistics – which of course are related to 6 or 7 years ago – 60% of all the college students are girls; in recent years the regime has banned and limited girls’ participation in various fields of studies and imposed gender segregation against them in an attempt to change this ration and bring it lower, to thus lower the consequences of this inequality amongst the most educated class of the society.
Another comparison between the status of Iranian women with those in other countries, especially in regional countries that are stated in this report, shows how cruel the existing inequality in Iran is and how far it is from the truth of Iran’s society.
According to this report the status of women in Persian Gulf countries, of which we all know their social and cultural status, are mostly above that of the status of Iranian women. For example, UAE is ranked 43rd, Kuwait is 50th, Saudi Arabia is 56th, Turkey is 69th and Tunisia is 48th.
However, the cruelty, insult and segregation imposed against Iranian women are much higher than these numbers that only show the quantity aspect of the issue. Where in the world are women insulted and harassed to such an extent because of their cover? Where in the world do women feel so insecure in alleys, streets and work?
However, one has to be fair that this ferocious regime practices equality between men and women on one case; execution and torture. The last example was the execution of 8 individuals on July 20th and 21st in the city of Birjand where four men and four women were executed together!
All these pressures and crackdown against Iranian women result not only from a reactionary ideology and inhumane viewpoint of this regime. In fact, the mullahs’ regime is truly terrified of the explosive potential and revolutionary capability of Iranian women because the truth is that this regime will finally be overthrow by an uprising and revolution with women in the front lines.




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